March 15, 2024
A German-Dutch collaboration between the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VUA) and the KIT has employed an ultra-sensitive intracavity absorption technique in the near infrared to measure transition frequencies between ro-vibrational energy levels of the radioactive tritium hydride (HT).
A fully tritium-compatible cavity cell has been manufactured at the KIT main workshop and a tritium-dosing system based on a temperature-controlled getter has been build and characterized at the Tritium Laboratory Karlsruhe (TLK). Finally, the assembly was integrated into the laser spectroscopy infrastructure at the LaserLAB Amsterdam. There, doctoral researchers Frank Cozijn and Meissa Diouf of the VUA were joined by KSETA fellow Valentin Hermann from TLK for setting up the equipment and for performing the measurements. Despite experimental challenges imposed by the use of tritium, high-quality spectra could be recorded successfully for the first time.
The relative total uncertainty of the observed lines was determined to be about 1e-10. This corresponds to an accuracy three orders of magnitude better than previous measurements in tritiated hydrogen molecules and which is also exceeding the precision of corresponding theoretical predictions at the moment. This opens up a formidable path for benchmarking quantum electrodynamics in bound state systems for tritiated molecules.
The corresponding paper "Precision measurement of vibrational quanta in tritium hydride" by F. M. J. Cozijn, M. L. Diouf, W. Ubachs, V. Hermann, and M. Schlösser has been published Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 113002 (
The groups by Wim Ubachs (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Department of Physics and Astronomy) and Magnus Schlösser (KIT, IAP, Tritium Laboratory Karlsruhe) have been fruitfully collaborating on the field tritium precision spectroscopy since 2017 with a total record of six publications.