Organisation of the KSETA Bodies

Kseta Bodies

  • The Executive Board
  • The Board of Researchers
  • The Admission Panel
  • The Plenum of Doctoral Researchers
  • The Advisory Board


Executive Board

Members of the Executive Board (EB) are the spokesperson of KSETA, the deputy spokesperson of KSETA, members of the Board of Researchers, two PhD-student representatives, the Equal Opportunity Officer and the  Managing Director. A representative of KHYS participates in the consulting meetings. Members of the Executive Board

The executive Board is responsible for all the KSETA affairs. It decides on academic activities such as the programs of seminar, it invites scientific guests and organizes the course program. It also decides on human resource issues such as  the election of the Managing Director and of other office positions, answers organizational issues, which affect whole or parts of KSETA and chooses the KSETA representatives in the KIT-board.


Board of Researchers

In the Board of Researchers (BR) are all the KSETA Principal Investigators (PI) and four elected PhD-student representatives. The total number of the Principal Investigator should not be more than 50. Members of the Board of researchers

At least once a year the spokesperson of KSETA meets the Board of Researchers in a meeting that he leads. The Board of Researchers elects the spokespersons, the deputy spokesperson, the members of the Executive Board and the members of the Admission Panel. The BR decides on the approval of new Principal Investigators, and on the distribution of the financial budget for the PhD positions, the course program, the guest scientists and other activities. It defines the admission procedures, the training program and the supervisions by an academic and decides on long-term stays for guest scientists (ex.: for research semester).


Admission Panel

The Admission Panel is made of members of the Executive Board, with the exception of the PhD-student representatives and the elected members of the Board of Researcher. It counts no more than 30 people. Members of the Admission Panel

The Admission Panel chooses from candidates the KSETA-PhD students and decides on the financial support of these PhD students within KSETA. Financial supports from KSETA cannot last more than 36 months of the PhD thesis.

This panel assigns the PhD students of a participating institute, that are not funded by KSETA, as KSETA collegiates and decides on the allocation of transitional funding of PhD graduates as postdocs.


Plenum of Doctoral Researchers

The Plenum of Doctoral Researchers includes all the PhD students, who are members of KSETA (KSETA-Fellows). The plenum is convened once a year by the spokesperson of KSETA, who also convenes it whenever the majority of the elected PhD-student representatives of the Board of Researchers desires so.

The Plenum of Doctoral Researchers elects four PhD-student representatives for the Board of Researchers (from which two are in the Executive Board) for a one year term by secret ballot. Reelection is possible. The two representatives with the biggest amount of votes are chosen as the members of the Executive Board. For both boards, in case an one of the elected representative has to give up his mandate, the next most voted person takes his/her place. The PhD-student representative in the Executive Board can also be replaced by the PhD members of the Board of Researchers. The plenum submits proposals and feedbacks about the training program, structural issues and social events. List of Doctoral Researchers


Advisory Board

The Advisory Board advises and assists the direction of KSETA in their functions. Members of this board are the same persons as in the KCETA-Advisory Board.