KSETA Doctoral Fellow (scholars and associates)

KSETA Fellows are all doctoral researchers in KSETA, irrespective of their source of funding. The KSETA Fellows are composed of two groups: the KSETA doctoral researchers directly funded by KSETA (KSETA scholars) and the associated doctoral researcher (KSETA associates) not directly funded by the school.

KSETA funds a limited number of PhD positions (scholars), intended to strengthen the interdisciplinary cooperation in the research fields of KSETA. Please inform yourself about the research activities and select there related supervisors. Current thesis topics can be found on the personal pages of the supervisors. In addition possible interdisciplinary thesis topics are listed here.

The formal requirement to enter the School is a Master or Diploma degree in physics, electrical engineering, informatics or other discipline of science or engineering related to the research topics.

Open Positions

More information

The new positions will be awarded by the Admission Panel on March 27, 2025.


Application for KSETA doctoral researcher (KSETA scholar, PhD)

Application as KSETA associated doctoral researcher (KSETA associate, PhD)

Application to Short Term Postdoctoral Employment


Application for KSETA doctoral researcher (KSETA scholar, PhD)

KSETA scholars are financed by the graduate school. The financing is via a PhD positions based on the Collective Agreement for the Public Service Sector (TVL) (including health insurance and pension fund contributions).

The application consists of two steps: First registration, then application!

Before you send any application documents, please register with the form below. After submitting the form you will receive an e-mail confirming your registration and containing further instructions.  Information about the required documents will be given in the confirmation e-mail. For your application, please reply to that e-mail only and attach the requested document. 

In the confirmation e-mail you will be asked to send the following documents:

  • Motivation letter, including your research interest
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Bachelor degree, including grades
  • Master degree or diploma, including grades
  • Publication list (if any)
  • Two reference letters sended by the supervisor of your diploma/master thesis and from another scientist in separate e-mails to apply∂kseta.kit.edu.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Please send all the documents as a single pdf file (named appl_firstname_lastname.pdf, max. 6-8 MB) 

Registration is open until February 9, 2025.


The registration period is expired. (2024-12-17 11:44:00 - 2025-02-10 00:00:00)


Application as KSETA associated doctoral researcher  (KSETA associate, PhD)


Applications as KSETA Associate (or: "Kollegiat" are already funded by other sources, not directly funded by KSETA, but eligible to benefits of KSETA) can be submitted anytime by e-mail.
The application should include:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Starting date of your doctorate
  • Preliminary title of the PhD thesis
  • Institute and faculty at KIT
  • Financing source (if possible)
  • Reference letter from supervisor of PhD thesis (separate e-mail)

Send the e-mail to: applykseta.kit.edu

Subject: "Application as KSETA Associate"

Attachment: single pdf file (named appl_firstname_lastname.pdf, max. 6-8 MB)


Application to Short Term Postdoctoral Employment


KSETA occasionally offers short-term postdoctoral employments (1 – 3 months) for doctoral researchers subsequent to their promotion in KSETA to finish research projects, publications, and documentation of results or prepare next careersteps with the help of KIT internal services, e. g. offered by KHYS. This offer is intended exclusively for KSETA PhD students. Supervisors will be informed about the possibility of submitting an application.

The following documents are required to apply:

  • Letter with the reason for funding request
  • Curriculum vitae
  • List of publications (if any)
  • Copy of your PhD diploma, including grades
  • Reference letter from supervisor of PhD thesis (separate e-mail)

Send the e-mail to: applykseta.kit.edu

Subject: "Application for short term postdoc support"

Attachment: single pdf file (named appl_firstname_lastname.pdf, max. 6-8 MB)