International Schools

International Summer/Winter Schools for graduate students offer typicaly a wide range in program from quantum physics to theory of relativity as well as the opportunity for research and scientific work. The schools are a popular form in education and are often organized as a compact event of one or a few weeks by various institutions.



The Helmholtz International Research School for Astroparticle Physics and Enabling Technologies (HIRSAP) is a joint school of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM) to foster common research, the development of cutting-edge detection techniques and corresponding analysis methods in high-energy astroparticle physics. The premier research infrastructure for studying cosmic particles of highest energies is the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina.



The International School on Astroparticle Physics (ISAPP) is a network that includes 34 institutions and doctorate Schools from France, Germany, Israel, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom.

ISAPP’s mission is to promote exchanges between Doctorate Schools, and to develop a joint education through the organization of PhD Summer Schools and Summer Institutes on Astroparticle Physics (usually two per year, 10 days long each).

The Schools’ subjects concentrate on the main topics of astroparticle physics:
Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, Cosmology and the Early Universe, Cosmic Rays and Gravitational Waves.

Each ISAPP School is conceived as an actual didactic course of lectures at the level of a doctorate school and its structure perfectly fits with a PhD course.

For more information, visit the ISAPP website or contact the ISAPP Coordinator.



The International GridKa School is one of the leading summer schools for advanced computing techniques. The school provides a forum for scientists and technology leaders, experts and novices to facilitate knowledge sharing and information exchange. The target audience are different groups like grid and cloud newbies, advanced users as well as administrators, graduate and PhD students. Organized by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), GridKa School is hosted by Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC).



CERN offers several Schools, annually as well as biennially.
Please find announcements of the schools at CERN here.

CERN Accelerator School
The CERN Accelerator School holds training courses on accelerator physics and associated technologies for physicists, engineers, technicians and students throughout the year. The courses take place in different member states of CERN and consist of a programme of lectures and tutorials spread over a period of one or two weeks. Participants are welcome from member states of CERN and other countries world-wide.

CERN School on High Energy Physics
The CERN Schools of High-Energy Physics include two series, the European School that is organised jointly each year together with JINR, and the Latin-American School that is organised once every two years in odd-numbered years.

CERN School of Computing
The CERN School of Computing promotes advanced learning and knowledge exchange in scientific computing among young scientists and engineers involved in particle physics or other sciences.

CERN-FERMILAB Hadron Collider Physics
The CERN-Fermilab Hadron Collider Physics Summer Schools are targeted particularly at young postdocs and senior PhD students working towards the completion of ther thesis project, in both experimental High Energy Physics (HEP) and phenomenology.

GSDC School of Data Grid Comupting
The GSDC School of Data Grid Computing
is focusing on to transfer computing knowledge of which how we take care of the data from experiments at CERN or other facilities in Korea in terms of grid computing. The target of this school is graduate students and Post-Docs who are interested in the field that GSDC is supporting: ALICE, CMS, Belle, LIGO, RENO and Bioinfomatics.

Schladming Winter School of Theoretical Physics
Since 1962, the Schladming International Winter School has an excellent track record in attracting outstanding scientists, including many Nobel laureates, to inspire their audience of typically 120 participants, including some of the best graduate students and young postdocs in theoretical physics.


Monte Carlo net (MCnet)

MCnet is a European Union funded Marie Curie Initial Training Network dedicated to developing and supporting general-purpose Monte Carlo event generators throughout the LHC era and beyond, and providing training of a wide selection of its user base, particularly through funded short-term 'residencies' and Annual Schools.
The network offers one school per year aimed at advanced PhD students and young postdocs.